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Phd defence of Roland Gurály

The dissertation is entitled: „The Impact of Robotisation on Foreign Direct Investments – Analysing the Manufacturing Sector of the V4 Countries”.
2024.09.23. 14:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 23.09.2024 (Monday), 14:00 

Location: Corvinus University of Budapest, Building E. Auditorium III. 

The International Relations and Political Science Doctoral School of Corvinus University of Budapest cordially invites you to the public defence of PhD candidate Roland Gurály with the doctoral dissertation: „The Impact of Robotisation on Foreign Direct Investments – Analysing the Manufacturing Sector of the V4 Countries”. 

Language of the defence: English 

Supervisor: Magas, István DSc (Corvinus) 

Members of the Defence Committee: 

  • Chair: Nagy, Sándor Gyula PhD (Corvinus) 
  • Secretary: Kollárik, Ferenc PhD (Corvinus) 
  • External reviewer: Szalavetz, Andrea PhD (KRTK) 
  • Internal reviewer: Ricz, Judit PhD (Corvinus) 

The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the university Repository: https://phd.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/1370/ 

At the public meeting, all participants can comment or ask questions. 

Those interested can continuously monitor the expected and completed defences on the University’s website under News-Events, as well as separately in the PhD defences menu. 

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