PhD defence of Gabriella Zsófia Huszti-Szlama
The title of the dissertation: "The representation of women's trouser wear in the press in the articles of the Budapesti Hírlap, Pesti Hírlap and Pesti Napló between 1896 and 1914".
Date: 2 April 2024
Venue: Corvinus Main Building room E2001
The University Doctoral Committee of Corvinus University of Budapest has approved the doctoral thesis of Gabriella Zsófia Huszti-Szlama (Doctoral School of Sociology and Communication Studies) entitled “The press representation of women’s trouser-pants in articles of the Budapest Hírlap, Pesti Hírlap and Pesti Napló between 1896 and 1914”.
Date of the public debate: 2 April 2024
Venue: Corvinus University of Budapest, room E2001
The debate will be held in Hungarian.
The dissertation and the thesis are available in the University Repository.
Thesis Supervisor: Judit Acsády PhD
Members of the Committee:
- Chair: Andrea Kárpáti DSc (Corvinus)
- Secretary: Antal Szántay PhD (Corvinus)
- External assessor: Zsolt Mészáros PhD (PIM)
- Internal referee: Lilla Vicsek PhD (Corvinus)
- External member: Balázs Sipos PhD (ELTE)
For those interested, you can keep track of the expected and completed theses on the university’s website in the News-Events section, and separately in the PhD theses section.