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Phd defence of David Morris

The dissertation is entitled: „New risks of interdependence in shifting world order - Developing a sustainable risk framework for the Belt and Road”.
2024.09.19. 10:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 19.09.2024 (Thursday), 10:00 

Location: Online – Teams 


The International Relations and Political Science Doctoral School of Corvinus University of Budapest cordially invites you to the public defence of PhD candidate David Morris with the doctoral dissertation: „New risks of interdependence in shifting world order – Developing a sustainable risk framework for the Belt and Road”.  

Language of the defence: English 

Supervisor: László Csicsmann PhD habil. (Corvinus), Salát Gergely PhD habil. (PPKE) 

Members of the Defence Committee: 

  • Chair: Csaba Békés DSc (Corvinus)  
  • Secretary: Dániel Vékony PhD (Corvinus)  
  • Reviewer: Viktor Eszterhai PhD (MKI)  
  • Reviewer: Csaba Moldicz PhD (MCC)  
  • External member: Erik Hendriks (Danube Institute) 

The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the university Repository: https://phd.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/1330/ 

At the public meeting, all participants can comment or ask questions. 

Those interested can continuously monitor the expected and completed defences on the University’s website under News-Events, as well as separately in the PhD defences menu. 

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