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Nagy-Szénás tanösvény round trip

The Physical Education Department and University Sports Centre organizes its 3. trip in Nagykovácsi on the Nagy-Szénás Tanösvény.
2021.11.13. 09:00
2094. Nagykovácsi, Tisza István tér
Information: tamas.sebestyen@uni-corvinus.hu

The easy 9 km-tour’s starting place as well as its destination is Tisza István tér in Nagykovácsi. You can enjoy your stroll through the beautiful trail and complete it in less than 4 hours. Nagykovácsi is easily accessable by car and by public transport, with BKV bus 63 from Hűvösvölgy.

The tour route: Nagykovácsi, Tisza István tér – green sign (Z) Kossuth Lajos utca – tovább red sign (P) Antónia utca – at the cemetery Nagyszénás utca (P) – Bánya utca (P) – Szeles utca (P) – Nagy-szénási tanösvényen (P) a gerincre, then blue sign (K) – Nagy-szénás 550 m (K) – nyeregtől blue cross (K+) – Kutya hegy 558 m (K+) – Perbáli/White forestry road yellow sign(S) – Nagykovácsi, Tisza István tér.

Participants must register beforehand or on the day of the tour on site. The registration is free of charge.

Pre-registration deadline: 12 November 2021 13:00

On-site registration is available between 9:00 and 10:00.

In case of rain the tour will be cancelled.

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