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Mutaz Alshafeey PhD defence 

The defence of the dissertation entitled “Artificial Intelligence Forecasting Techniques for Reducing Uncertainties in Renewable Energy Applications”.
2023.03.03. 15:30
1093. Budapest, Fővám tér 8.
Building E
Room 2001
Corvinus Épület

Language: English 

The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Mr Mutaz Alshafeey doctoral candidate entitled “Artificial Intelligence Forecasting Techniques for Reducing Uncertainties in Renewable Energy Applications” to public defence. 

Supervisor: Csaba Csáki PhD 

Opponents: Szabina Fodor PhD, Corvinus; Gábor Tamás Orosz PhD, ELTE 

The materials of the dissertation can be viewed here

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