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Meet the Editor

Session 3 with Distinguished American Guest
2021.10.04. 17:30 – 2021.10.04. 19:00
1093. Budapest, Microsoft Teams
Information: nora.kelecsenyi@uni-corvinus.hu
Organizer: Kelecsényi Nóra Ildikó
Dr. Kelecsényi Nóra Ildikó nora.kelecsenyi@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Kutatási és akadémiai közösségért felelős rektorhe
Irodavezető / Head of Office
E épület, 213
Phone: +36 1 482 5020 • Ext: 5020

Guest: Dr. David J. Vogel, Soloman Lee Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics at Berkeley Haas and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, editor-in-chief of The California Management Review

Professor David Vogel’s presentation will be the third session in the series of lectures initiated by the Research Management Office in December 2020 to support Corvinus faculty in their efforts to achieve research excellence and greater international visibility through publications. The invited speakers of the series are editors-in-chief of influential international academic journals, who share the ‘tricks’ of placing articles in such publications. The first two guests of the series were Professors  Jiří Klemeš and Stefan Minner. You can watch their presentations again by clicking on their names.

David J Vogel earned his PhD in political science at Princeton University in 1974. He has been on the faculty of Berkeley University Haas School of Business since 1973 and has been Professor Emeritus since 2015. He has held Visiting Professor and Visiting Researcher positions at several top-ranked universities, including INSEAD, Stanford University, London Business School and Oxford University. His research areas cover, among others, environmental politics and policy, global CSR, politics of health, safety, and environmental regulation. He has taught courses like Ethics and Responsibility in Business, Political Science and Public and Private Global Business Regulation at various levels of university education. He has served as editor of California Management Journal since 1982 and also on the editorial and advisory boards of several other important journals, for example, the European Journal of Risk Regulation, the Asia-Pacific Business Review Journal, and the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review. He is active in various associations and committees (e.g., the American Political Science Association) and has received numerous awards both for his research and his publications.  

Calfornia Management Review (CMR), of which Professor Vogel is editor, ranks among the top management journals in the world (with a two-year Impact Factor 8.836, a five-year Impact Factor 9.287, an AIp of 93, and an SJR of 2.773). It has served as a bridge of communication between academia and management practice for sixty years. With a history of publishing leading-edge research with managerial applications, CMR is uniquely positioned as both a valuable outlet for top business school faculty and an indispensable resource for practitioners. Edited at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, the journal publishes articles across a range of management subjects, shaping research and practice on managing innovation, strategy and organisation, sustainable management practices, and human resources management. CMR’s articles are distributed through outlets such as Harvard Business School Publishing and SAGE Publishing, and are used in university courses, executive programs, and management seminars around the world. It is published quarterly, and its special issues focus on the most debated topics including design thinking, AI, and Digital Transformation, just to mention the last ones.  

All issues of the California Management Revieware available to browse onlineMap

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