Jeziorska Iga Katarzyna online PhD defence
The defence of the dissertation entitled „Understanding the Determinants of Policy Performance in Collaborative Context: The Case of Drug Harm Reduction Services in Central-Eastern Europe”.The Doctoral Council of the Corvinus University of Budapest has admitted the doctoral dissertation of Jeziorska Iga Katarzyna doctoral candidate „Understanding the Determinants of Policy Performance in Collaborative Context: The Case of Drug Harm Reduction Services in Central-Eastern Europe” to public defence.
Language of the defence: English
The materials of the dissertation can be viewed in the university Repository.
You can read the summary here.
Supervisor: György Hajnal PhD habil., Corvinus
Members of the Defence Committee:
Chair: Zoltán Balzás DSc, Corvinus
Secretary: Éva Kovács CSc, Corvinus
- Attila Bartha PhD, Corvinus
- Katalin Felvinczi PhD habil,, ELTE
- András Hajdú PhD, Matthias Corvinus
- Zoltán Török PhD, Raiffeisen Zrt
Please indicate your intention to participate the event, no later than 2 days before the defence to: – preferably with your official UNI-CORVINUS email address. Only applicants can join the TEAMS group.
Those wishing to take part in the defence have the opportunity to formulate written questions and remarks about the dissertation – giving their name, place of work, position, e-mail address – within 5 calendar days of the publication, which they can send to the secretary of the committee:
Organizer: Corvinus Doctoral Schools