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IRSPM Conference 2023

Call for abstracts: Conference of The International Research Society for Public Management at Corvinus University of Budapest (3 - 5 April 2023)
2023.04.03. 10:00 – 2023.04.05. 10:00
1093. Budapest, Fővám tér 8.
Information: gyorgy.hajnal@uni-corvinus.hu

We are happy to announce that six years after its successful 2017 edition, the IRSPM international conference will again be hosted by Corvinus University of Budapest on 3 – 5 April 2023.

The deadline for abstracts submission is extended to 15 November 2022.

The conference theme is: United or divided? Public value(s), Management and Governance in turbulent times. The conference will feature a wide range of new as well as more established panels that connect this theme to particular issues of importance to the public management and public administration research communities.

Please consult the panel descriptions and authors guidelines before submitting your abstract to a particular panel.

In order to submit an abstract please visit https://irspm2023.exordo.com/ create your login account and follow the instructions.

We look forward to seeing you at Corvinus in April 2023!

Support and Assistance:

  • General academic matters concerning IRSPM Conference 2023: conference@irspm.org  -
  • If you have technical queries concerning ExOrdo system, first check ExOrdo Initial submission help page: https://support.exordo.com/category/436-initial-submissions -
  • For purely technical questions related to the functionality of the ExOrdo platform, please contact: support@exordo.com
  • Queries concerning specific panels should be addressed to the panel corresponding chairs. Contact emails for corresponding chairs’ can be found in the panels descriptions (please refer to the List of panels)
  • Queries concerning conference participation and practical matters: irspm2023@uni-corvinus.hu
  • Access the conference online platform to edit your abstract before the deadline: https://irspm2023.exordo.com/
  • For any other matters contact the Chair of the IRSPM2023 Scientific Committee, prof. György Hajnal (gyorgy.hajnal@uni-corvinus.hu)
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