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Inter-University Swimming Competition – 2024 Autumn Semester

We welcome teams of 10 participants from the Universities of Budapest for a challenge. We can accommodate 1 team per university, per event!
2024.11.14. 10:15 – 2024.11.14. 11:15
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Location: Tüske Swimming Pool, Budapest, 25 m pool, 8 lanes 

Date: Thursday, 14.11.2024, 10:15-11:15 

Which University team swims the fastest 1000 m in butterfly relay and/or 1000 m in freestyle swimming relay and/or 1000 m in funny swimming relay with aids (rubber mat, umbrella, etc.)? (They do not have to swim the same in the 3 relays!) 

The rules are: teams of 6-10 swimmers compete, 1 person can swim a maximum of 2 lengths at a time, the same person can jump back in the water after 3 swims! 

Entry deadline: 11.11.2024, 24:00, Please send your entry by email to usszunkegyutt@gmail.com. 

Meet in the pool lobby at 9:40 am! 

Warm-up: 10:00-10:15 

Competition: 10:15-11:15! 

Results announcement: 11:15-11:20!  

Prize: certificate and chocolate 😊 

Competition organisers: Gábor Cseh (csehgaborcseh@gmail.com) and Emese Reichardt-Varga (emese.varga3@uni-corvinus.hu) 

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