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Herbert Simon Award 2023 – Mats Alvesson lecture

The Herbert Simon Award is awarded every year by the Rajk College.
2024.05.07. 18:00
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem


Presentation by Mats Alvesson, winner of the Herbert Simon Prize 2023. Alvesson is a professor at Lund University Sweden, recognized for his pioneering work in critical management studies. He challenges management practices that have been accepted without question, and his research focuses on critical theories, gender inequalities, identity and how organizations work.

This lecture covers the topic of functional stupidity, that is pointing at the dangers of narrow, tunnel-visioned rationality and thinking within the box.

The Herbert Simon Prize was founded in 2004 by the Rajk College for Advanced Studies and is awarded annually by the College’s membership to outstanding figures in business and management studies.


Venue: Corvinus Gellért Campus, Auditorium 

Date: 07/05/2024 18:00-20:00 

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