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Get Together Party 

Let’s start the new academic year together!
2022.09.22. 16:00
1093. Budapest, 1093 Közraktár u. 4-6.
Building C
Lobby, aula, ground floor inner courtyard 
Information: kommunikacio@uni-corvinus.hu
Corvinus Ambassador

We welcome University staff and students to an informal, musical get-together at the end of September.  

At the Get Together Party, a DJ will provide the music, while Igyál Kincsem, Fresh Corner and the Kürtősmester will provide the food and drinks: hot and cold sandwiches, hot dogs, chimney cake, lemonade, beer and wine will be served. You can also buy food and drinks from the vendors, but those who pre-register for the event will be given food and drink vouchers at the door, which can be redeemed at any of the partners. 

Registration can be found here, the deadline is 26 September Midnight.  

Location: Budapest, 1093 Közraktár u. 4-6. Building C lobby, aula, ground floor inner courtyard
Date: 27 September 2022 (Tuesday) 16:00

In case of bad weather, the event will be held in the lobby of building C and in the covered area in front of the entrance.

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