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Final call for papers

11th Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 26th-27th November 2020.
2020.11.27. 23:59
1093. Budapest, Fővám tér
Entry fee: pl. 4000/fő
Information: +36 1 234-56-78 / liquidityconference@gmail.com

The Department of Finance, Corvinus University of Budapest and the Game Theory Research Group, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies invite you to the 11th Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference, Budapest, Hungary 26th-27th November 2020.

Building on the successes of the previous conferences since 2010, we have the pleasure to organize for the eleventh year in a row an event related to financial market liquidity. The conference will be held at the Corvinus University of Budapest or using a virtual conferencing platform.


The aim of the conference is to bring together academics and practitioners to discuss state-of-the-art results in the field of financial market liquidity. These topics include:  Market Liquidity and Funding Liquidity;   Liquidity Aspects of Corporate Finance; Liquidity Aspects of Systemic Risk;  Game Theoretic Aspects of Liquidity and Financial Markets;  Global Liquidity (both Public and Private) and Regulations;  Leverage and Macroeconomic Determinants;  Market Microstructure with Emphasis on Liquidity;  Asset Pricing and Management with Illiquid Assets;  Illiquid Alternative Investments and Asset Innovations; Social Innovation.

Keynote speakers: 

Professor Paul Shrivastava (Penn State University)

Professor Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics)

For presentations, send extended abstracts or full papers to liquidityconference(kukac)gmail(pont)com by 15th June 2020. Papers will be anonymously reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee and authors will be notified of the Program Committee’s decisions by 15th of August 2020. Acceptance can be for full presentation or poster presentation for the papers that are very relevant but because of time constraints cannot be included in the program.

Abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings and selected papers presented at the conference will be invited for formal submission and consideration for publication in the following journals: Emerging Markets ReviewFinance Research LettersJournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & MoneyJournal of Multinational Financial ManagementRisk ManagementStudies in Economics and Finance.

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