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Farmers’ market in the 21st century – Focus on brands

The aim of the event is to showcase the opportunities and methods available to differentiate local products in order to build consumer trust.
2024.12.03. 09:30 – 2024.12.03. 13:30
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Date: 03 december 2024 9:30-13:30  

Location: Corvinus University of Budapest 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8, Main Building, Ground Floor, Lecture III.  

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and the Corvinus University of Budapest, in cooperation with the Kislépték Association, is organising a professional event and market demonstration entitled “Producer’s Market in the 21st Century – Focus on Trademarks”.  

The event will focus on the national and EU food quality systems and the awareness of trademarks and trademark systems indicating Hungarian origin.  

The presentations will provide a range of useful information for producers, users, distributors and decision-makers of local products.  

During the event, a farmers’ market will introduce the producers, who will be able to showcase their product production and sales successes and taste their basic product and food range.  

The event is free, but registration is required. You can register until the day of the event at the following link: https://miniapp.nak.hu/nak-regisztracio/termeloi-piac-a-xxi-szazadban-fokuszban-a-vedjegyek/ 

Click here for a detailed programme. 

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