Doctoral defence of Ágnes Meleg
Dissertation entitled: "Comprehensive competence assessment and evaluation in higher education using learning analytics methods and techniques".
Date: 20 June 2024, Thursday, 15.30
Venue: Corvinus Main Building 3001
The Doctoral Committee of Corvinus University of Budapest has approved the doctoral thesis of Ágnes Meleg, PhD candidate, entitled “Comprehensive Competency Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education using Learning Analytics Methods and Techniques/Teljes körű kompetenciamérés és -értékelés a felsőoktatásban tanuláselemzési módszerek és technikák alkalmazásával“.
Opponents of the thesis: Tibor Kovács PhD, Corvinus; Gábor Kismihók PhD, TIB, Hannover
Thesis Supervisors: Réka Franciska Vas PhD, Corvinus
The public defence will be in Hungarian.
The public session will be open to all participants, who will have the opportunity to make comments and ask questions. The thesis is available at the Library of Corvinus University of Budapest and at this link.