Academic conference on the role of banks in the economy
The Commission for Economic Sciences conference will present the achievements of the 2020 Nobel Laureates in Economics.
Ben Bernanke, Diamond Douglas and Philip Dybvig won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Economics for showing that the financial intermediation system, namely the banking system, plays an important role in explaining business cycles and crises. On the one hand, they have studied the behaviour of banks in simple models and, on the other hand, they have empirically analysed the macroeconomic importance of financial intermediation. Today, we know much more about financial intermediation, crises and bank panics than we did fifty years ago – and this is due in no small part to the three Nobel Prize-winning scientists.
The Nobel Prize in Economics 2020 – The Role of Banks in the Economy: Ben Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip Dybvig” is the theme of a conference organised by the Committee on Economic Sciences.
Programme language: Hungarian
Further information:
Conference programme:
- 10:00 Opening – Dóra Győrffy (President of KTB)
- 10:10 Király Júlia (IBS Budapest) If the banking system dies, the economy dies too. Summary of the work of the three scholars
- 10:30 András Mikolasek (Magnetbank and Corvinus University) Diamond and the Diamond-Dybvig model – two brilliant dead ends
- 11:00 János Kiss Hubert (MTA KRTK) Bank panic in the lab
- 11:30-11:40 Break
- 11:40 Panel discussion on financial crises, monetary policy, banks (Júlia Király, Géza László, György Surányi, István P. Székely)
The conference language will be Hungarian. The conference can be followed live on the KRTK Facebook page.