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Changing Dimensions in FinTech Education – or switching between dimensions?

FinTech manager training at Corvinus

There is no need for a leap year for innovation, but Corvinus University now in 2020 has a revamped, transformed training course, the FinTech Manager Training.

The FinTech Manager Training is a 2 semester specialized course, an interdisciplinary, knowledge-sharing-based – not a traditional knowledge-based – subject system, where students creatively, through interactive discussions, working with their renowned professional mentors to develop their own project work, they are going through a curve of development and learning.

Throughout the learning process, many disciplines and practical fields of FinTech activity are integrated into the training, in addition, the Diploma Project provides opportunities for continuous competence development across both semesters.

The training offers many synergies for those who work wholly or partly in FinTech, but also for those who wish to acquire knowledge now. Knowledge sharing, creative thinking, and unique skills development are also supported by the fact that this training works with a limited group of students, which ensures that mentors can work with everyone on their own and marketable FinTech projects that have a financial dimension.

The aim of the training is to learn and create FinTech solutions, and to develop their application capabilities that support more efficient use of corporate resources and operational sustainability.   

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