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Call for papers for the 6th CEHEC Conference (2-3 April 2020, Budapest)

Call for papers for the 6th CEHEC Conference (2-3 April 2020, Budapest)

The Center of International Higher Education Studies (CIHES) at the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Yehuda Elkana Center for Higher Education at Central European University (CEU) invite papers for the 6th Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) Conference to be held on 12-13 April 2018 in Budapest. To further expand and support interaction and networking between higher education researchers in the region, the Austrian Higher Education Network (AHEN) has joined Corvinus and CEU in co-organizing the 2020 CEHEC conference as a strategic partner. 

We invite papers dedicated to the higher education sector in the CEE region, but relevant contributions from other regions are also welcome, including comparative studies. The deadline of abstract submission is 20th February 2020.

Further information, registration and abstract submission is available on the conference website.

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