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‘Successful Publishing in Academic Journals’ online workshop is offered in October

2022-09-26 10:41:23

Dr Eelko Huizingh, author of more than 450 publications, will give an online workshop at Corvinus. The workshop aims to promote the publication of colleagues' research in prestigious international journals.

The Research Management Office provides a new workshop entitled ‘Basics of Academic Writing Workshop: Successful Publishing in Academic Journals’  between 27-28 October. The Basics of Academic Writing workshop aims at researchers with limited experience in writing papers for academic journals, e.g., young researchers or experienced applied researchers, who would like to improve their publishing skills. 

This 2-day workshop offers the hands-on tools to improve both papers and publication strategy. Participants will also analyze published articles from their own research field. 

The workshop is led by Dr. Eelko Huizingh, professor at the University of Groningen and author of more than 450 publications. Professor Huizingh held a successful ‘Finishing Your Paper’ Writing Camp at Corvinus University this April. 

You can download the flyer of the workshop here. 

Details and application process: 

  • Date: 27-28 October, 2022, 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 
  • Maximum number of participants: 16 people 
  • Form of the training: Online event – MS Teams 
  • Field of research: management sciences, economics, social sciences (any discipline related to Corvinus) 
  • Application deadline: 10th October 2022, Monday 5.00 pm 

Submit your application on this form

Application conditions: 

  • The applicant submitted their T1 statement for Corvinus University of Budapest. 

Selection criteria: 

  • Priority is given to the applicant who is now writing their first international publication, but already has publication record in a Hungarian-language journal. 
  • Applications from young researchers and experienced applied researchers are also welcome. 
  • Priority is given to colleagues with doctoral degrees, but PhD students can also apply. Their attendance is subject to availability. 

Further information: Pap Melinda melinda.pap@uni-corvinus.hu +36 30 758 72 66 

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