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New selection of prestigious publications by Corvinus faculty

2024-04-16 11:14:00

The latest compilation of recent outstanding international publications by Corvinus faculty can be read on the wall in the second floor lounge of the Main Building.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The strategic goal of Corvinus University is to increase the number of publications in prestigious international journals and to make the University’s research more visible internationally. Research Management would like to encourage research by highlighting the most significant publications and their authors. To this end twice a year a visual collection of the most significant international publications of the past six months is produced. This is the “Wall of Research Excellence” poster collection, which is on display in the 2nd floor lounge of the University’s Main Building. 

The 15 posters displayed at a ceremony on 10 April 2024 features the abstracts of Corvinus publications uploaded to MTMT between July and December 2023, with photographs of authors from Corvinus, and the full content of the publication accessible via a QR code.  

Articles were selected based on the following criteria:   

  • the journal is not published by MDPI, Frontiers Media or PLOS 
  • the Corvinus authorship is at least 20% (Corvinus authors are employees of the University, or PhD students/doctoral students and doctoral candidates of the Corvinus Doctoral Schools) 
  • the type of the publication is article or review.  

The 15 eligible publications from the second half of 2023, ranked by the AIp score of the journals in which they were published, are available here. 


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