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New measures to minimise Covid

2021-06-16 09:54:19

Decisions have been made by the Presidential Committee of Corvinus

The University hostels will reopen in the summer, and business trips and events with less than 50 participants will be relaunched, but wearing face masks indoors will remain compulsory.


 With the relaxation of the Covid restrictions, the Presidential Committee of Corvinus University adopted new measures affecting both students and staff. The Management of the University is hoping for a gradual return to normal but in the meantime is asking everyone to demonstrate responsibility and comply with the recently approved temporary rules.

Procedures for concluding the 2020/2021 spring term to remain unchanged

The 2020/2021 spring term will continue in a digital format in line with the Government guidelines; no educational events (courses, consultations, examinations) requiring personal attendance will be permitted. The rules for concluding the second term of the 2020/2021 academic year will remain unchanged.

Educational rules for academic year 2021/2022

At Corvinus University the academic year 2021/2022 will begin in September by means of in-person education, with preparations made to switch to online format during the year as necessary due to the Covid situation. Starting from September the courses will be organised at every campus of Corvinus University in accordance with the following:

  • Lectures in Hungarian language for over 150 students, lectures in English / German for over 60 students ONLINE FORMAT ONLY
  • Lectures in Hungarian language for less than 150 students, lectures in English / German for less than 60 students CLASSROOM
  • Seminars and other practical sessions CLASSROOM
  • Thesis consultations ONLINE AND IN-PERSON
  • Specialist postgraduate programmes and executive degree programmes CLASSROOM
  • Non-degree programmes ONLINE AND CLASSROOM
  • Correspondence courses CLASSROOM

Access to premises and opening hours

We will continue to use thermal cameras for taking temperatures upon entry, therefore only one dedicated access point will be operated for each building. Persons with a body temperature of minimum 37.8 °C will be denied access to the University buildings.

Opening hours of University buildings

  • Weekdays until 7 p.m. (with permission to stay until 10 p.m.)
  • Saturday and Sunday CLOSED (staying in the buildings for regular operation of the infrastructure beyond opening hours will require Chancellor’s permit)

The University buffets will be open to students and staff only.

The sports facilities will be open and accessible, but only to holders of an immunity certificate (in electronic or card format) outside of regular sessions.

Compulsory use of face masks

In case of more than one person (with or without immunity) occupying the same indoor space, including the University facilities used for educational and administrative purposes (classrooms, corridors or other areas), face masks covering nose and mouth will be compulsory at all times. While in queue (buffets, vending machines, etc.), a safety distance of minimum 1.5 meters must be observed. Hand sanitisers will be available at every entrance and main access point, recommended for general use.

Use of air conditioners

Please avoid using individually controlled air conditioners circulating air from the inside in both the educational and administrative facilities.

Health Services in Main Building

Personal health services will be available in the Main Building of Corvinus University regarding issues such as detecting symptoms and complying with regulations. A health professional will be available on site during opening times, or via phone outside of working hours.

Access to University Library

The Reading Rooms of the Budapest and Székesfehérvár sites of the University Library will only be accessible to holders of an immunity certificate (in electronic or card format). Online services and borrowing based on online loan requests will remain available to students and staff. Visitors with a valid library card (other than students and staff of Corvinus University) will be able to borrow materials based on loan requests submitted online.

Student administration

The Corvinus Self Care platform and email administration service will remain accessible to our students: for Hungarian language programmes please visit hallgatoi.iroda@uni-corvinus.hu, for non-Hungarian programmes please visit student.office@uni-corvinus.hu. Appointments can also be made using our online booking system in justified cases. Applications will be managed via the email address felvi.corvinus@uni-corvinus.hu.

Student hostels

The Corvinus student hostels will be open according to our summer schedule subject to presenting an immunity certificate (in electronic or card format). According to the present status our hostels will operate without any restriction during the academic year 2021/2022.

Travel restrictions

All restrictions for inbound and outbound travel have been lifted. Missions to foreign countries can be initiated subject to holding an immunity certificate (in electronic or card format). The participants of foreign missions will be required to seek information (recommended site: https://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/en) regarding the Covid status of the specific target country and any special local regulations in place.

Organisation of events

All events requiring the physical presence of less than 50 participants and non-educational trips can be organised in locations both inside and outside the University. University events with over 50 participants can be organised subject to permit obtained from the Presidential Committee.

University staff to work primarily on site, procurements to be managed online

Our staff will be primarily expected to work on site, but permission to work from home can be requested from the management of Corvinus University. The home office schedule will be identical to the on-site schedule, with particular attention paid to meeting the privacy regulations: University data must be saved on own devices in a password-protected format, to be managed and retained for the duration absolutely necessary for performing work.

Digital communication and administration successfully introduced during the emergency will be maintained wherever possible. All procurement requests can be initiated electronically (via Power Apps, ZEBRA University Procurement and Inventory Management System, email or the Travel System); the accompanying form will be non-compulsory under this regulation.

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