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Lego, conducting and Netflix-behaviour: Researchers’ Night at Corvinus

2022-09-16 10:24:01

Are kings good leaders? - This is one of the questions to be answered at the Corvinus University of Budapest on Friday 30 September, where thirty programmes on a variety of topics will be offered as part of this year's Researchers' Night.

Lectures and interactive workshops promoting science and research careers will provide an insight into the latest and most interesting research results of the university, not only in the field of economics, but also in frontier areas such as psychology, sustainability or artificial intelligence. 

On the last Friday of September, Corvinus academics will welcome the public again to the main building of the university in Fővám tér to show young people and the eternally curious how many fascinating topics there are to explore. The almost two dozen activities include experimental games to find out how economists measure personality traits, whether we have the traits needed for financial success, what new consumer behaviour lies behind the success of Lime rollers and Netflix, and how our mathematical literacy influences our decision-making. With scientific help, we can reflect on our green behaviour: how willing we are to make others pay the price for our own well-being, take part in a business sustainability game and, in the face of the climate crisis, make a professional argument for moving beyond a growth-centric economic approach, and examine whether current socio-economic changes are comparable to the industrial revolution of the 19th century.  

Through the examples of a few monarchs, we will also find out whether kings and queens are good leaders, what we can learn from conductors about management, how much discrimination older people face in the Hungarian labour market, what the family constitution is for, why it is worth using a bill of exchange in a crisis and we can also witness a practical demonstration of the effectiveness of a mini-money market. We can learn how Lego can be used to solve problems and come up with creative ideas, what role artificial intelligence can play in tourism and e-learning, how we are influenced or even manipulated by war metaphors, what conclusions we can draw from Hungarian coronavirus statistics and whether the gender gap has been preserved by the use of digital technologies under Covid. We can find out whether there is rationality behind extreme political opinions, what the reasons for Latin America’s crisis might be in the light of the upcoming elections in Brazil, and what the similarities and differences are between the capitalisms of Central Europe.   

Detailed information about the full programme of Corvinus will be available on the university’s website and on the national page of the Researchers’ Night in a few days, and the university will also be offering lectures in English as well as Hungarian. Participation is free of charge and is a must for those interested in economics and social sciences. 

You can join the Facebook event here. 

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