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Launching myView, the new student feedback system

2022-11-30 12:05:29

We are introducing myView, the renewed student feedback system this December. The new platform will replace HalVel and will launch this December, allowing you to provide feedback on your courses and lecturers in the current academic semester already in the new system.
Corvinus Ambassador

The feedback questionnaire will be filled out on the last course occasion in the semester – lecturers will set aside sufficient time for this. The renewed survey will be available from the morning of December 12 (Monday) this year. As we understand that filling out the survey on the last occasion is not always possible, the questionnaire will remain open for several days, until 23:59 on December 22, 2022.

The myView platform is accessible via the MyCorvinus application and via the link provided to your university email address. You can access the platform directly via this link.

Visit the website if you would like to know more about myView.

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