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Corvinus Green: over 320 new selective waste bins in buildings

2023-01-20 13:10:59

With new waste bins made from partially recycled material, we can significantly reduce the amount of municipal waste.

12 percent of the waste collected is taken out of separate collections, meaning that 88 percent of the waste generated in buildings ends up as municipal waste. The rate of selective collection can therefore be significantly increased at Corvinus. 

As part of the Corvinus Green project, we want to support this process by installing more than 320 new selective waste bins in our buildings. Collection boxes made of recycled cardboard are suitable for the selective collection of paper and plastic waste. We have placed the collection islands at the busiest junctions, such as around stairs, lecture halls and toilets, so that everyone has easy access to them. 

Yellow bins are used to collect plastic waste. It can include PET bottles for soft drinks and mineral water, rinsed household bottles and their twisted-off caps, clean household foil, rinsed milk and yoghurt cups, rinsed beverage cartons, etc. Only clean paper waste, such as newspapers, corrugated paper, wrapping paper, cardboard boxes, etc. can be placed in the blue collection containers. Documents containing sensitive data should only be disposed of in the waste bin after appropriate shredding. Detailed information on the sorting is available at FKF in Hungarian. 

In addition to improving infrastructure, we also aim to improve attitudes. Recycling is the last step in the 5R approach to sustainability, so selective rubbish disposal alone is not the only solution. 

Think about whether you really needed the product that created the waste and refuse what you don’t really need. We can also reduce the waste burden, for example by using less packaging. If you needed it anyway, you can either reuse it or repurpose it for a different purpose. This is where “recycling” comes in, giving new meaning to discarded items. 

We also put short messages on the bins to raise awareness of the importance of recycling in a playful way. Short slogans such as “don’t be afraid to part with it, you’ll get it back renewed”, “the best selective collection is zero waste”, “what comes from the Earth stays on the Earth”, or “Congratulations! You’ve avoided a trip for two to the Waste Islands.”  

Earlier, we also asked employees about the sustainability of Corvinus. In a questionnaire linked to the Corvinus Green project, respondents shared ideas such as reducing printing, more colourful biodiversity on campus, selective waste collection and optimising water, electricity and air conditioning efficiency to save energy. We want to gradually incorporate the ideas into our operations, including increasing the number of selective waste bins. 

The Corvinus University of Budapest is committed to supporting community sustainability activities and to operating more sustainably, as collective action is needed to achieve significant change. 

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