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Back to news02/08/2021

You can pay with SimplePay in Neptun

You can now pay your items listed in Neptun not only by transfer, but also through SimplePay.

The Simplepay payment method

Details of the application:

In the Neptun system, students can find their payment obligations in HUF under the „Pénzügyek/Befizetés” (Finances/Payment) menu.
Select the check box next to the item you want to settle and click on the „Befizet” (Pay in) button „Biztosan befizeti?”,(Are you sure to pay in?). If you answer yes to the question, select the “SimplePay” card payment in the interface that appears, and press the „Befizet” (Pay in) button again, you will be redirected to the SimplePay page website.

The data transfer declaration must be confirmed.

  1. payment option
    a. Type in the bank card details, then press „FIZETEK” („PAY”).
  2. payment option
    a. Sign in to your Simple account using a Facebook account, Google account, or e-mail address and password. After signing in, saved cards may be viewed, and new cards may be saved.
    The student receives an e-mail if the settlement is successful.
    If the settlement is not successful, the student may make inquiries at the SimplePay customer service referencing the SimplePay ID in the feedback message.

You can get detailed information about Neptun finances by clicking here.

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