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We prepare you for the NMAT exam free of charge!

2024-02-16 10:18:00

We organize 4+1 suitable preparation courses at Corvinus, where you can apply from any major, even if you are not a Corvinus student. Register now!

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

Our Master’s admission system will change from 2024, read more about it here. 

The NMAT test measures English language skills, logical reasoning and quantitative skills. The preparation course is divided into three modules (language, logic, quantitative): 

  • Session 0: watching this video at home before the first session 
  • Session 1: Language skills 
  • Session 2: Quantitative tests I. 
  • Session 3: Quantitative tests II. 
  • Session 4: Logical reasoning 

Throughout the training, we will prepare you in test writing strategies, important concepts and introduce you to the main types of tasks with the help of sample questions. 

The tutorial is not a substitute for home practice, but it is an effective aid to successful preparation and examination. 

You can register here. 

Training language: english 

Course location: Corvinus University of Budapest, Building C, Classroom X. and V-VI 


Teaching hours  





Self-preparation: understand the NMAT structure and contents   

Video content,   
self-preparation – (Prepare yourself)  

2×45 mins  


2 hours of  distance learning  

Practice and hone your language skills   

lecture / personal consultation  

4×45 mins  
1 March. 16:00  

Building C, Classroom X. 

4 hours of consultation  

Master quantitative skills I.   

lecture / personal consultation  

4×45 mins  
6 March. 16:00   

Building C, Classroom X. 

4 hours of consultation  

Master quantitative skills II.  

lecture / personal consultation  

4×45 mins  
13 March 16:00  

Building C, Classroom X. 

4 hours of consultation  

Build your Logical Reasonal Ability   

lecture / personal consultation  

4×45 mins  
22 March 16:00  

Building C, Classroom V-VI. 

4 hours of consultation 

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