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“We are good lecturers if we are good researchers as well, that makes us truly authentic”

2020-12-01 11:40:57

Vice-Rector for Research Gyula Vastag returned to his Alma Mater in 2019, before that he was the head of the English PhD program of Széchenyi István University.

Vice-Rector for Research Gyula Vastag returned to his Alma Mater in 2019, before that he was the head of the English PhD program of Széchenyi István University. Between 1989 and 2006 he worked in the United State, in the Kelley School of Business (Indiana University), Kenan-Flagler Business School (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and in the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management (Michigan State University). He spent the 2000/2001 academic year as the dean and professor of the Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT) in Stuttgart, where he led courses as a guest professor after 2001. Between 2005 and 2007 he was a part-time professor of the University of Groningen (Netherlands). Having returned to Corvinus, he is currently working on the renewal of the research incentive and research support system.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 “Our goal is to encourage the lecturers to do research, so that we can increase the publication performance that is already excellent according to Hungarian standards even further, and thereby we can be more present on the international level as well, since there is no good university without good lecturers/researchers.” – said the Vice-Rector.
The Vice-Rector emphasised that internationalisation and being tested in international forums are among the important strategic objectives of the university. In order to realise this objective, they want to create conditions at Corvinus which favours those lecturers who wish to do research, by providing access to the appropriate software and databases, or even through financial support as well, so that the lecturers of the university can appear the highest-quality international journals and can participate is as many international conferences as possible.

He said that they wanted to increase the research support fund further, and hopefully, the first lecture of “Corvinus Lectures” – which presents international masters – can be held in the second half of 2021. In the framework of the “Corvinus Research Seminars”, the research strategies of institutes will be supported. They plan to organise informal “Research Brunch” events and thematic trainings related to research every three months, as well as workshops will be provided (“Meet the Editor”, “Academic English”, research methodology). 

The Vice-Rector also mentioned that the research development and research incentive steps concern the different faculty members to a varying degree, how the changes are experienced depends largely on age and the professional career achieved so far. The Vice-Rector emphasised that the goals are quality publication output and increasing the standard of quality, for which however the appropriate conditions still have to be established. He highlighted that measuring and feedback are important, based on which the colleagues can be helped, if they have a view of who published how much and in which journals. In addition, the direction which may be ideal for the faculty member in the future can be determined based on the previous performances. This is closely connected with the fact that the job function type classification can be modified based on the performance evaluation carried out every three years, namely, after consulting with the head of the institute a faculty member who had researched more until then may decide to devote more time to education, and vice versa.

Csaba Vastag emphasised that the support for international research will increase in the future, and he trusted that there will a lot of applicants. Meanwhile, the Research Management department is using its best efforts to provide the most appropriate conditions possible for the quality scientific work.

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