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Visit of the Chinese University of Hong Kong for innovation in Budapest hotels in the framework of the Department of Tourism

2024-05-06 10:42:00

How can BCE students, in cooperation with hotel management students from a leading Chinese university, support the increase of Budapest hotels' market share in Asia? Joint project, knowledge sharing, case study competition.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

As a first step of our long-term cooperation, our university will organise a 1-week programme for students of Hotel Management and Property Development at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the capital city of Hungary.  

Within the framework of the Tourism Management and Marketing course, our Hungarian and international students will present together with students from the Chinese University their product development strategy to increase the market share of Budapest hotels in Asia, which will be evaluated by a professional jury of international hotel chains, including practical feasibility, innovation and sustainability. 

Further opportunities, such as exchange studentships and research opportunities within the Tourism specialisation and in our department’s facebook group will be announced. 

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