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Tourists as Caged Birds: Elaborating Travel Thoughts and Craving When Feeling Captive – Publication by Anna Irimiás and Ariel Zoltán Mitev

2022-03-10 09:40:18

The article co-authored by Anna Irimiás and Ariel Zoltán Mitev was publshied in Journal of Travel Research.
Corvinus Épület

Being unable to travel feels like being a caged bird for many and trapped in unwanted situations strengthens travel desire. This study contextualizes travel deprivation and subsequent desire thinking in relation to the concept of craving. It introduces lockdown captivity and travel craving as relevant factors to understand tourism demand when travel is impossible. This research demonstrates the usefulness of the elaborated intrusion theory in the tourism context and newly defines wanderlust in association with craving. Empirical support for the hypotheses that lockdown captivity and wanderlust are key determinants of travel craving is provided. Travel craving should be used as an alternative concept to travel intention in situations in which travel is curtailed or impossible. Tourism marketers and practitioners are advised to build on the caged bird metaphor to effectively communicate their offerings during crises that result in travel restrictions and to show their empathy toward would-be tourists.

Dr. Irimiás Anna Rita anna.irimias@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Fenntartható Fejlődés Intézet / Turizmus Tanszék
Habilitált egyetemi docens / Habilitated Associate Professor
C épület, 318
Phone: +36 1 482 7215 • Ext: 7215
Dr. Mitev Ariel Zoltán ariel.mitev@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Marketing- és Kommunikációtudományi Intézet / Marketingmenedzsment Tanszék
Egyetemi Tanár / Professor
E épület, 355/A
Phone: +36 1 482 5523 • Ext: 5523
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