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The latest issue of Budapest Management Review, March 2024

2024-03-14 12:31:00

The monthly published Budapest Management Review is one of the most significant journals in the field of business, management, and organizational studies in Hungary.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The monthly published Budapest Management Review is one of the most significant journals in the field of business, management, and organizational studies in Hungary, with a history of 55 years, ranked in the best, “A” category by the Hungarian Academy of Science, one star on ABS List 2021. It is a general management journal, which includes studies on different aspects of organizations: structure, processes, and performance, and equally on cultural, behavioural, and technological subjects. Multidisciplinary research is highly valued and papers that draw on the perspective and theoretical background of sociology, psychology, economics, political science, or communicational studies – apart from that of business, management and organization science are also appreciated. 

 Adapting to the habits of our readers and aiming for a more sustainable publishing model, we primarily distribute our journal digitally. The full contents of the journal are available online at the Budapest Management Review’s website. If you would like to receive our monthly e-mail newsletter with the latest issue and calls for papers you can register here. We look forward to welcoming you among our readers and you can follow us on our Facebook page as well! The website also provides information about the submission process and author guidelines. 


Contents of the current issue (Volume LV, Issue 3): 


– Zoltán Kárpáti – Adrienn Ferincz 

The role of professionalisation in the competitiveness of domestic medium-sized family firms 

This research focuses on the professionalisation of family firms and resource-based theory, exploring the different resource and capability combinations of family and non-family firms and their different types of strategies in terms of competitiveness. 


– Zsolt Kőmüves – Virág Walter – Gábor Szabó-Szentgróti – Krisztina Dajnoki – Botond Kálmán – Arnold Tóth – Szilvia Módosné Szalai – József Poór – Beáta  

Pató Gáborné Szűcs 

The impact of COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the organisations studied 

The aim of the authors’ publication is to show how organisations were thinking in the early stages of the COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian crises, and whether they are able to assess the expected impact and plan the appropriate measures. 


– Zsófia Cserdi – Zsófia Kenesei 

Mobile technology acceptance in the world of smart hotels 

In this study, the authors examined potential travellers’ acceptance of mobile technology-based self-service in hotels, which is ideally suited to reduce COVID-19 concerns.  


– Krisztina Szegedi – Yahya Khan – Csaba Lentner – Tibor Tatay 

The relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in the practices of conventional and Islamic commercial banks in the Pakistan banking system 

The authors’ study explored the incorporation of the CSR concept followed by Western banks into the practice of Islamic based dual banking. Their empirical research covered the listed commercial banks in Pakistan. 


– Yousef Katul  
Culturally diverse international teams – A comparative analysis of virtual and face-to-face teamwork 

This paper delves into the significance of cultural diversity and its implications within virtual and face-to-face project team interactions. The research findings underscored that, in virtual teamwork, cultural diversity is often perceived as a risk factor. In contrast, during the face-to-face round of the project, cultural diversity emerged as a valuable asset, contributing to innovative and creative solutions.   

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