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The Corvinus Professorial Board is established

2021-09-15 10:36:20

The Professorial Board was created to represent the academic values and traditions of the University, and its members include all full-time professors and research professors employed by the University.

At the beginning of each academic year, the Board, established in accordance with Section 64/A of the OOR (Organisational and Operational Regulations), adopts its annual work schedule in agreement with the Rector, and for this purpose it may request information from the heads of any academic and service organisation, and may submit questions and proposals to the Rector on any university matter. The Board reports annually to the Rector and informs the Senate of its work. 

The Professorial Board is chaired by the representatives of the three academic areas. As the result of a secret ballot, the areas of economics, mathematics, statistics and computer science are represented by Professor Dr. Erzsébet Kovács (Institute of Mathematical and Statistical Modelling), the areas of social sciences and humanities are represented by Professor Dr. Csaba Békés (Institute of International, Political and Regional Studies), and the areas of business studies and law are represented by Dr. Tünde Tátrai (Institute of Business Economics).  

Of the three board members, one represents the board each year, with a different member taking the position each year on a rotating basis. Dr. Erzsébet Kovács is the Chair of the Professorial Board for the academic year 2021/2022. 

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