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The Board of Trustees has approved this year’s bonus pool

2023-11-07 06:58:00

The body has taken decisions on the financing of next year’s salary increase and the name of the new campus on Ménesi Street.

Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

At its meeting on 27 October, the maintainer of the University, the Maecenas Universitatis Corvini Foundation’s Board of Trustees approved the global budget for this year’s bonus on the basis of the preliminary performance assessment ratings, as proposed by the Presidential Committee. It also agreed to the proposed bonus with respect to the performance in months 1-8 of 2023 to be paid with the November payroll.  

The Board of Trustees has approved the funding required for a 12% increase in average salaries within the University’s 2024 budget, which takes into account the expected rate of wage increase in the market sector as well as the September inflation forecast of MNB for 2024. We will provide detailed information on HR’s salary development directive following consultation with the Trade Union. 

Within the staff-related expenditure plan for the coming year, the Board of Trustees has accepted the University’s initiative to launch a Teaching Excellence Award and now that the funds have been made available, asked the Presidential Committee to ensure that the Teaching Excellence Award is established, the rules for its award are drawn up and it is incorporated into the University’s moral recognition and remuneration system.  

The name of the new building on Ménesi Street has also been decided: Based on the results of the brainstorming and voting process for the name, which involved a wide range of students and staff, the Board of Trustees adopted the name Corvinus Gellért Campus. 

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