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Tax 1% donation to Corvinus organizations

2023-05-02 11:16:08

This year you can make a provision for 1+1% of your personal income tax.
Corvinus Épület

The deadline for filing the 2022 personal income tax returns will be 22 May 2023. The form for the 22SZJA personal income tax return and the interface for filling it in are now available on the NAV eSZJA website (in Hungarian). (The blank return form and instructions for filling in the paper version can also be printed out on the same website or obtained from any of the tax office’s customer services.)  

This year you can also make a provision for 1+1% of personal income tax until 22 May 2023 at the latest. The donation may be made to a registered NGO or religious community (with a technical number) or to a priority budget allocation – this year the National Talent Programme. More information can be found on the NAV website.  

If there are any organisations (student, cultural, sports or other) connected to Corvinus University that can receive a tax 1% donation, please let us know at corvinushirek@uni-corvinus.hu and we will update this list with your details.  

Corvinus University of Budapest also accepts tax donations of 1%, donations will contribute to Corvinus Green’s sustainability community programme.  

Beneficiary tax number: 19156972-2-44   

Beneficiary name: Corvinus University of Budapest 


The Közgáz Sports Club and Student Sports Club gratefully accepts donations of 1% tax.  

Beneficiary tax number: 19805061-1-43  

Beneficiary name: KÖZGÁZ SC and DSK  

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