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Sziget Festival Rocks On with Corvinus

2023-09-18 10:10:00

Theodore S. Boone of Corvinus provided Keynote address on AI at one of Europe’s largest rock and cultural festival.

On August 12th Theodore S. Boone of Corvinus’ Department of Business Law provided a Keynote address titled “Justice, Truth and Free Will in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” to festival goers at Budapest’s international Sziget Festival. 

The Sziget Festival, one of Europe’s largest rock and cultural festivals, draws over 500,000 people each year during its six-day span. During his Keynote Mr. Boone spoke to the festival’s “Szitizens” about ethical, social, economic and legal considerations associated with the rise of AI. 

The talk was based in part on the semester long course Mr. Boone has developed at Corvinus and is teaching here titled “Business Leadership in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.” 

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