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Revealing the Secrets of Successful Publishing

2020-12-11 13:00:12

The new “Meet the Editor” series was held on 8 December.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

 The series, in which invited editors-in-chief of top journals reveal the tricks of successful publication, was initiated by Professor Dr Gyula Vastag, Vice-Rector for Research, in accordance with Corvinus University’s strategic aim to achieve excellence and greater international visibility.  The guest speaker of the first 90-minute online session was Professor Jiří Jaromír Klemeš of Brno University, who is a highly distinguished scholar and holds several academic positions in various countries.

Professor Klemeš has extensive experience with top international academic journals both as a contributor and as an editor. Not only is he Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cleaner Production, he also holds top positions on the editorial boards of over twenty other highly ranked international journals. So far, he has authored and co-authored hundreds of publications and has reviewed numerous articles for over a hundred journals. As “Highly Cited Researcher” in 2018 and 2020 (a recognition given by Web of Science), Professor Klemeš is a fountain of information for anyone who wishes to submit successful academic articles.  

The online event attracted over 25 participants from various institutes, research centres and doctoral schools of Corvinus University. The presentation started with a general introduction to top academic journals and a clarification of the different journal classification methods, as these are needed by potential authors in their search of a “good” journal to publish in. The professor underlined that visibility can be increased by writing on multidisciplinary topics appealing to a wider audience and by submitting papers to open access journals. Thanks to a good deal made by the Hungarian government, our researchers can publish in many open access journals without paying a fee, so Corvinus faculty is strongly encouraged to make use of this excellent opportunity. Professor Klemeš gave his audience advice on naming reviewers for one’s article (if requested by the journal) and called the participants’ attention to the importance of thoroughly reading the primary source of information, namely the “Guide for Authors” on the web pages of journals. He also suggested that, in addition to this, writers should consult the articles of some well-known authors who have published the journal in question to get a feel for what is expected of them. Making recent references in one’s article is considered essential to prove that the author is aware of the latest developments in the field while self-referencing should be kept to a minimum. The Professor gave extensive advice regarding the structural elements of academic articles and warned against some common mistakes like plagiarism and poor language use. The final part of the presentation centred on the subject of article reviews and the reviewing process. Reviewing in his opinion is a service to the academic community and a useful source of information for the reviewer but should be better rewarded by the publishers. Following the presentation, Professor Klemeš answered some questions placed by the audience.  

Feedback on the event was highly positive and those who were unable to attend the presentation can watch it here.

The next “Meet the Editor” event will take place during the Research Week between 11-15 January 2021.

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