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Regional Impacts of Direct Payments on Farm Productivity and Efficiency in the European Union – Publication by Attila Jambor and Akos Szerletics

2022-10-10 16:20:01

The publication by Attila Jambor and Akos Szerletics was published in the AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics.
Corvinus egyetem C épület

Abstract: This paper analyses the regional impacts of direct payments on the labour and land productivity of European farms. The basic assumption of the research is that direct CAP subsidies have a positive effect on productivity and efficiency. This was tested by quantitative regression-analysis models, which were based on NUTS2-level regional data from 2008-2018. The results show that direct subsidies have a negative effect on labour and productivity in agriculture, a finding that can be attributed to a number of underlying factors. The direction and magnitude of these productivity effects differ markedly between old and new Member States.

Dr. Jámbor Attila attila.jambor@uni-corvinus.hu Rektori Szervezet / Fenntartható Fejlődés Intézet
Intézetvezető, Egyetemi tanár / Head of Institute, Professor
C épület, 307
Phone: +36 1 482 7201 • Ext: 7201
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