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Pulsing accounting life at the University in the summer!

2022-08-17 13:21:24

In July, our undergraduate students in finance and accounting and graduate students in accounting participated in an international case study solving week in Vilnius, under the STAMP-online (Smart Teaching in Accounting – Meeting Place Online) programme.

During the solution of the cases covering multiple areas of accounting (international taxation, sustainability reports, data mining in auditing, digitalisation in international accounting), the emphasis is not on the competition, but on cooperation. Students coming from different countries with different levels of knowledge were organised into new teams every day, before starting a new case study. 

The cases worked out in the professional workshops of the partner universities processed the current accounting problems of our days. While studying these cases, the students experienced the feeling of working together in international teams, the ‘common language’ of accounting, and established professional and human relations. And all this took place in a cheerful and easy atmosphere, in a beautiful environment, with people of similar interests and lots of cultural programmes. 

The Intensive Study Programme was a memorable experience for the participating international mentor teacher team too. In the international environment that captivated the students interests, the processing of the valid case studies is always an exciting team work. And the various methods and the mentoring of students with different academic backgrounds are real challenges for the teachers. 

Participating students: 

Renáta Szilágyi, Bálint Takács – graduates in accounting 

Ákos Auman, Liliána Fejős, Anita Hegymegi, Kitti Szabó – undergraduates in finance and accounting 

Mentor teacher: Eleonóra Tarpataki – master teacher, Department of Accounting 

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