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PhD Student of Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science awarded with Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher at Indiana University Bloomington

2021-11-08 16:01:12

Xénia Farkas, PhD student of Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science at Corvinus, and junior research fellow at the Centre for Social Sciences, has successfully applied and obtained a Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher fellowship

Xénia Farkas, PhD student of Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science at Corvinus, and junior research fellow at the Centre for Social Sciences, has successfully applied and obtained a Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher fellowship for 5 months to carry out research with host professor Betsi Grabe at IU Bloomington, USA.

Xénia’s Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher fellowship at The Media School of IU Bloomington with Professor Betsi Grabe, author of one of the most influential books on visual political communication (Image Bite Politics: News and the Visual Framing of Elections) is focused on the visual populist communication in social media.

By the application of Benjamin Moffitt’s approach this research project considers populism as a political communication style that is based on performative – visual elements as well.

One of the aims of the research is to test Moffitt’s (2016) theory in practice, furthermore, to create a coding scheme that is applicable to focus on the populist political style all around the world, and last but not least, to investigate the populist communication on social media during (1) campaign, (2) crisis, and (3) cucumber periods.

For further information you can contact Xenia Farkas at farkas.xenia@tk.hu.

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