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Our best students can get HUF 70 thousand again

2022-05-11 13:58:07

Owing to the financing by the foundation, the maximum amount of the study scholarship is HUF 70 thousand per month in this semester, too. The amount available for one applicant was almost four and a half times higher than in the state scholarship scheme.
Corvinus Ambassador

In order to become the best university of economics and social sciences in the Central Eastern European region by 2030, it is not only the standard of education and services that need to be continuously improved, but our students also have to bring out the maximum in themselves. This is the objective of the study scholarship. 

As a result of changing for the foundation form of operation in 2019, we have been able to gradually separate ourselves from the rules of the state scholarship scheme. By raising more funds, we established a system that inspires students more efficiently than the previous system. 

Who may get the scholarship? 

The scholarship is granted to the best students, on the basis of their academic performance at the end of the semester. Students who enrolled at the Corvinus after the change in the maintainer, i.e. in September 2019 and after, are eligible for the scholarship financed by the Foundation. Of course, students who started their studies at the University before that time can also get scholarships, but their scholarship is calculated according to different rules. 

How high is the amount? 

In the last semester, we spent more than HUF 434 million on the study scholarship granted by the foundation, and 3533 students applied for this amount. 194 students applied for the state scholarship, the relevant budget was HUF 5.4 million. The limit for one applicant was almost four and a half times higher in the case of the foundation scholarship. 

Students who are granted state scholarship receive amounts of HUF 8,400 – 19,200, while the minimum in the foundation is approx. HUF 40 thousand, and the maximum is HUF 70 thousand. The lowest required academic performance is 4.3, and 4.43 respectively.  

The following table contains the detailed comparison of the two types of scholarships. 

  Study scholarship I (Students who enrolled before September 2019) Study scholarship II (Students who enrolled in September 2019 and after) 
Total number of students 194 students submitted applications 3,533 students submitted applications 
Number of students with average performance of 5 38 756 
Total distributed amount HUF 5,408,725 HUF 6,766,445 
maximum scholarship HUF/month 18,438 70000 
minimum scholarship HUF/month 8,400 39,460 
persons who won scholarships 98 1,345 
average amount paid HUF/semester/person HUF 55,191 HUF 322,869 
average amount paid HUF/semester/person HUF 11,038 HUF 64,574 
average academic performances, minimum 4.3 4.43 
average academic performances, maximum 
categories (persons)    
below HUF 20,000 98 
20,001- 30,000 
30,001- 40,000 
40,001- 50,000 84 
50,001- 60,000 272 
60,001- 70,000 986 
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