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New vending machines in the Main Building

2021-12-02 16:39:22

The University will provide new dining facilities in the ground floor community areas of the Main Building.
Corvinus, E épület

The most important aspect of our choice of suppliers was to ensure the widest possible range of products, so that everyone can find the right food that is tasty, of good quality, affordable and accessible without long queues. We have also thought of those with food intolerances, and touch payment by credit card is also possible. 

Two new machines will be installed in Zsibongó South. The Food Univerzum hot food menu offers 16 dishes, 4-5 of which are suitable for people with different food allergies. To heat food, the Students’ Union has provided microwaves in the cabinets next to the vending machines, which are also regularly cleaned. 

Next to it is the EMTISZ sandwich vending machine, which offers a wide selection of sandwiches – meat or vegan – as well as pastries and confectionery products. 

And in Zsibongó North, Fruccola’s health-conscious menu is a novelty. The use of quality and organic ingredients, compostability, lactose-free, gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options are also important to us. The products are packaged in environmentally friendly recyclable materials, or even in recyclable screw-top bottles. The product can be selected cold or even heated by the built-in microwave. The vending machine can be used by downloading the ‘fruccolabird’ application, which also offers the possibility to pay with a Szép card. The launch of the machine will coincide with the  Greenspire event, where more information about the concept will be made available. 

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