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New ERA-Chair grant at Corvinus

2022-09-20 08:15:50

An exceptional Horizon grant - 2.5 million EUR received by the Corvinus University of Budapest as sole beneficiary- will support the creation of a new flagship laboratory at Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies.
Corvinus Épület

The “ERA-Chair” grant, designed to bolster brain circulation and excellence in Europe, will support the creation of the Collective Learning Data Lab, a data science lab led by Professor César Hidalgo (h-index=49 & 27,000+ citations). After more than a decade at Harvard and MIT, Hidalgo moved to Europe to create the Center for Collective Learning, a flagship research group at the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Institute of the University of Toulouse. Hidalgo is known as the creator of the field of economic complexity and for his contributions to data visualization and the ethics of artificial intelligence. He is the author of three books: How Humans Judge Machines, Why Information Grows, and The Atlas of Economic Complexity, and has contributed to the creation of dozens of data distribution platforms, such as oec.world, datausa.io, datamexico.org, and pantheon.world. Hidalgo will have a 0.3 FTE position at Corvinus as the PI of the group, 50% online and 50% on-site, and will help build the group by hiring two assistant professors, two postdocs, and a manager. 

Today the project is in the “grant preparation” phase with the EU, which is managed by Anita Király. The project proposal was prepared by László Lőrincz and Balázs Lengyel from CIAS NETI Lab, which will also participate in developing the new lab, with the support of the Horizon Europe Center. 

The EU funding covers operations of the group for five years, with the expected start of January 2023. The lab will operate within the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies and is expected to advance collaborations with other Institutes at CUB and Budapest.

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