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Just do it award for CropBox team

2022-05-20 07:22:39

Erik Aal and András Mármarosi handed over the award to the winning team on May 17th.
From left to right: András Mármarosi, Paul Koullas, Nina Hecht and Brad Huber. 

Within the framework of the Strategic Management course, part of the Study Abroad Master programme, students have to elaborate a business opportunity in teams. Students apply the concepts they mastered, and the last two weeks of the course are dedicated to extensive presentations of these projects.  

We witnessed that some proposed venture present great potential value, are realistic and highly feasible for starting-up. Hence, last year we came up with the idea of the “Just do it” award for the best project in this respect. The award is to mark that these projects, whilst originated as academic exercises, actually can make a difference when realised.  

At the closing session of the course on May 17th, we selected CropBox for the Just do it award. The CropBox team consisted of Nina Hecht, Brad Huber and Paul Koullas. CropBox responds to the increasing importance of sustainable agriculture and global food problematic.  It is a modular, container-based concept for vertical farming, that is suitable to operate in densely populated environments with little arable land available. The business model builds on the establishment of local direct offtake relations, which further reduces footprint. All in all, it is an excellent example of a glocal approach.  

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