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Institutional opportunities to support excellence in teaching

2024-05-28 15:20:00

This was the title of a discussion organised by the Centre for Quality Enhancement and Methodology in Education and the Vice-Rector for Education for the University's leaders.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The event was part of the new Corvinus Academic Leadership Luncheon – Shaping the future of education series which, for this time, had as guest speaker Dr. habil. Helga Dorner, Associate Professor at ELTE PPK. 

Dorner’s presentation focused on the role of university decision-makers in supporting teaching excellence and the impact on organisational learning. After identifying the difficulties and defining the concepts of leader and decision-makers, Helga Dorner presented European examples of approaches and good practices used by Centres for Teaching and Learning in their own institutions.  

The participants were thus able to learn about the strategies of the University of Utrecht (NL), the University of Oslo (NO) and the University of Edinburgh (UK) to support teaching excellence as well as the leadership and teaching skills development programmes they offer to their colleagues. 

The next event of this series is scheduled for the autumn. 

The Corvinus Academic Leadership Luncheon – Shaping the future of education event series aims to provide a platform for our University’s academic leaders to share their experiences in a less formalised format and to think together about the future of education at our institution.  

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