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Instant cleaning request and technical fault report via QR code  

2023-05-10 12:59:46

QR codes in the University's toilets direct you to the Campus Services online helpdesk, where you can report technical faults, cleaning needs and other janitorial assistance, as well as request other technical services (e.g. furniture installation).

The digital helpdesk can be accessed by logging into the campus O365 and the system will automatically identify the email address of the submitter and record the time of the submission. A drop-down window in the app allows you to select the location and type of the problem or service request (e.g. furniture installation, wall fixing, key duplication), and a photo to the report for better identification can be attached.  

The request submitted in the application is immediately entered into the OTRS system of the Campus Services case manager, and the sender is notified by e-mail about the recording of the request and the completion of the task. If there are any further questions regarding the request, the Facilities Management staff will contact the requester and will endeavour to resolve the issue within 48 hours.   

QR codes posted in the University’s educational buildings can be scanned using a mobile phone, but the reporting interface can also be accessed from a desktop/laptop behind the Campus Helpdesk tile on the main Intranet page.  

Colleagues are requested to use the Campus Helpdesk online interface for future reports using QR codes or the Intranet tiles!  

Feedback on the app is welcome at campus@uni-corvinus.hu. 

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