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Information on the closing of the spring semester of the 2020/2021 academic year, Corvinus is preparing for personal presence education from September

2021-04-27 12:53:28

Online exam period, online master's admissions, the extension of the completion of internships due to the virus situation, personal presence training from September.

Online exam period, online master’s admissions, the extension of the completion of internships due to the virus situation, personal presence training from September. Among other things, the Board of Presidents of the Corvinus University of Budapest decided on these topics at the meeting on April 23, 2021. At Corvinus in September, the 2021/2022 semester will begin with personal presence training, but the university leadership is also preparing to switch to online education if the virus situation becomes unfavourable during the school year. The spring semester of 2020/2021 is still carried out in digital form in accordance with the government guidelines, therefore an educational event (any course, consultation, exam) that still requires a personal presence cannot be organized in this semester. The most important information is summarized below.

Exam period of the spring semester of 2020/2021-es, the course of the final examination
Digital education will remain unchanged throughout the spring semester, in accordance with government guidelines. All exams take place online on Moodle or in Teams. The maximum number of participants in the written examinations in Moodle is 450, if the date is full, an additional date must be announced. During the oral hearing on Teams, headphones must not be used and must be examined through a hands-free speaker.

The final exams in the spring semester also take place online: the written part in Moodle, the oral part through Teams. During the online final exam, no other person may be in the room where the student is taking the exam, the online exam can be passed through hands-free speakers, no headphones can be used. Further details on how to conduct the Moodle and Teams exams can be found in the provision.

Information on the course of the examination period of the spring semester 2020/2021

Organization of examinations 

1 examination of large groups of students (over 250 people), creation of examinations, modification of examinations in Neptun, in case of Moodle written examination Deadline: 25.04.2021.

2 announcing examinations for additional exams, creating exams, modifying exams Deadline: 04.30.2021.

3 exam notice, creation of exams, deadline for modification of exams in Neptune Deadline: 04.30.2021.

4 recording offered marks in Neptun Deadline: 05.25.2021.

5 acceptance of the offered marks Deadline: 05.28.2021.

6 recording a term mark in Neptun Deadline: 05.25.2021.

7 recording the result of a written examination Deadline: 3rd working day after the exam

8 recording the results of an essay-type written examination Deadline: 5th working day after the exam

9 recording the result of an oral examination Deadline: 3rd working day after the exam

10 final deadline for final examiners for the examination and term marks during the examination period Deadline: 06.11.2021.

11 deadline for final recording of examinations and traineeships for non-final examiners during the examination period Deadline: 06.26.2021.

Form and date of master’s entrance examinations

The entrance exams – both the supplementary admission procedure and the institutional entrance exams – take place on Moodle in the case of writing and Teams in the case of the oral one.
Date of the general central preliminary procedure for the master’s written entrance examinations (Moodle): 2021. május 18-19. Date of the Master’s Oral Entrance Exams (Teams): Between 31 May and 4 June 2021.

Enrollment 2021/2022 I.semester

The Student Services will provide information on the details and process of enrollment on the website and will notify the affected students in a Neptun message.

Receipt of diplomas for students graduating in the spring semester

A 2020/2021. academic year II. Students graduating in the first half of the year will be informed about the procedure for receiving the diploma on the University’s website.

Provisions for traineeships

If, due to epidemiological constraints, the internship is temporarily unable to provide the student with the completion of the internship, the student may benefit from:
  1. if you have work experience (employment, employment, etc.) that matches the training and output requirements of the given course, you can be affirmed as completing an internship (the exact conditions can be read in the provision);
  2. you can request a certificate from the place of practice of the internship you have completed so far, and then you can continue your internship (in the same place or elsewhere) after the restrictions have ceased to exist;
  3. if the student is unable to complete the required internship in any way, he / she may file an application for fairness and request an exemption from downloading part of the internship.
Further information about the internship and detailed conditionscan be found in the Annex No. 1. of the provision
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