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Hungarian Science Festival: current research of the Corvinus Centre for Mobility and Tourism

2024-12-03 10:45:00

Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0 in tourism: focus on technological innovations
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

The Centre for Mobility and Tourism of Corvinus University of Budapest pays special attention to the impact of Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence on tourism. At the event held in the framework of the Hungarian Science Festival [Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe] on 22 November 2024, the colleagues of the Research Centre presented their current research results and the disruptive effects of technological innovations. The programme included four presentations on the following topics: 

Industry 4.0 and the future of tourism: 

Dr. Márk Miskolczi examined the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on tourism. In his presentation explained the application of generative AI in the sector (e.g., the use of large language models in travel planning), service development (e.g., the use of AI-based influencers), and how AI-based technologies contribute to rethinking the dynamics of tourism space use through various virtual reality (VR-) and augmented reality (AR-) based technologies. 

The future of catering with artificial intelligence: 

Dr. habil. Melinda Jászberényi and Dr. Bence Csapody analysed the application of AI in the hospitality sector. The presentation focused on how AI is transforming order automation and experience creation. Good practices were presented that highlight the application of AI-based robotics in different phases of food preparation (e.g., CaliExpress – Flippy-powered automated restaurant (California, USA) and in guest service (e.g., robotised waiters in fast food restaurants). 

Smart hotels: opportunities and challenges: 

Levente Kökény presented the development trends of smart hotels, where AI-based systems can provide personalized services. He highlighted the challenges of AI, such as the need to develop technological infrastructure and the risks related to data protection. His presentation also included examples that highlighted the full automation of customer service (e.g., Henn-Na Hotel, Japan) using AI-based solutions, but also highlighted the current challenges due to the immaturity of the technology. 

Online purchasing decisions and risk assessment: 

Dr. László Kökény analysed the psychological aspects of online shopping processes. He highlighted how risk perception influences consumer decisions, especially in online travel transactions. Risk perception is even more pronounced through disruptive solutions, which research shows is particularly prevalent in the field of AI-based customer service (e.g., AI concierge) and smart tools (e.g., smart assistants, chatbots) introduced in the tourism sector. 

The event highlighted that artificial intelligence and Industry 4.0 are not only putting the technological development of tourism on a new path, but also its social and economic dimensions. The results of this research provide an important basis for understanding the future of the sector and promoting sustainable development. 

The Research Centre will continue to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence on the tourism sector and future directions of development within the framework of current projects (OTKA). 

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