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Geography and the Use of Tools for Local Sustainable Development – Summer School in Tirana

2024-10-28 15:56:00

Within the CEEPUS GeoRegNet network, this year the annual summer university of the network was held in Tirana, Albania, where - for the first time - Corvinus students could participate.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

With the integration of the Institute of Sustainable Development and the Department of Geography and Planning in 2024, participation in the CEEPUS programme (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) became possible. This programme aims to promote student and lecturer mobility among partner institutions in higher education. Annamária Ferenczi, a second-year PhD student in the Geopolitics and Sustainable Development Doctoral Program at the Doctoral School of International Relations and Political Science, took part in a visit to Albania at the beginning of the semester from 15 to 20 September 2024. 

 As part of the five-day summer school organised under CEEPUS GEOREGNET, Annamária had the opportunity to explore the role of tools supporting local sustainable development and cultural routes. The programme featured lectures from Albanian, Czech, French, and Hungarian experts, along with project tasks, competitions, and field trips to provide hands-on experience. It was an excellent opportunity to build international connections and gain insight into Albania’s cultural heritage. 

We hope more of our students and colleagues will take advantage of the network in the future! 

For more information about the network, click here. 

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