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Five in one: Corvinus’ popular Management major is renewed

2021-01-13 08:37:33

Under the Corvinus Renewal Program, it has established a comprehensive, integrated business core.

Under the Corvinus Renewal Program, it has established a comprehensive, integrated business core. The big advantage of the renewed Basic course in Management is that you don’t have to decide at the age of 18 what you want to study, what kind of business you want to work later, but you can choose the exact field after the first two years of the basic training.

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 In the first two years, students can master the basics of methodology, economics and business, then in the third year they can specialize in trade and marketing, tourism and hospitality, human resource management or agribusiness (rural development agricultural engineer), and even many other areas. In the third year, students can choose from a total of 16 specializations, of which they can complete up to two specializations. For example, a student wishing to find a future position in commerce and marketing can gain a comprehensive knowledge of digital marketing and marketing management. Those interested in tourism can learn experience planning in tourism and delve into another specialization in the management of tourism services. Those interested in being an entrepreneur can also combine entrepreneurial specialization with unique talent management or value creation process management specializations.

One of the biggest benefits of professional renewal is that students can try two completely different areas when choosing a specialization. If a student is interested in business law, but would also like to get a taste of business digitization, he or she has every opportunity to do so. In addition, if one chooses only one specialization, one can try oneself at a foreign university in the third year without having to make a special effort to free up a separate semester due to admission to the subject.

More than 100 specialists took part in the development of the Basic Management and Management course, the process involved 5 majors and 11 institutes. This is one of the University’s biggest renewal projects, which will debut in September 2021. So, students admitted to the Corvinus Bachelor of Economics and Management in 2021 can already start their studies in the renewed training.

From the autumn of 2020, several courses started on Corvinus with a renewed form, content and approach, and next year, in addition to the Management training, the basic courses in Business Informatics and Finance and Accounting will also be renewed. Corvinus did a lot of research both in the region and in the global market before starting the process of professional renewal. It turns out that significantly fewer and more comprehensive undergraduates are being advertised worldwide by universities other than Corvinus – the current development is also in line with this international trend. The main motivating factor for vocational renewal is to offer students a wider opportunity for further business studies, as well as to provide graduates with a quick placement and a higher starting salary in the labor market.

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