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Economy and Religion: Innovative Models of Economic Spirituality

2022-09-13 16:20:36

The scientific journal edited by László Zsolnai, Gábor László Kovács and András Ócsai of the Business Ethics Centre has been published and is available in digital format.
Corvinus Épület

The publication was enabled by project MEC-K 140856, funded by the National Research Development and Innovation Fund’s Mecenatúra 2021 tendering programme.  

The volume titled “Economy and Religion: Innovative Models of Economic Spirituality” aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the economic concepts of world religions and their related economic and management models. Through inspiring national and international examples, it presents a multi-faceted view of the creative power of economic spirituality. 

The contemporary ecological, social and ethical crisis demands solutions that go beyond the prevailing materialistic and individualistic world view and are based on a much broader, holistic view of the individual and of existence. The economic concepts of religions and spiritual traditions and innovative models for their implementation can provide inspiration for this change in values.  

The papers in this volume are written by eminent Christian and non-Christian authors, economists and experts in the field of religious studies, including Balázs Márk Bokros OSB, Sarolta Laura Baritz OP, Ulrich Kiss SJ, Gábor Balázs, Zsolt Rostoványi, István Kamarás and Dāsa Madhupati.  

The digital version of the volume can be downloaded and freely distributed from the Corvinus Repository: http://unipub.lib.uni-corvinus.hu/7537/#  

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