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Danube Cup honoured with international award

2021-12-06 08:18:08

Founded jointly by Corvinus University of Budapest and Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Danube Cup, a startup pitch contest and network of seven leading universities from 4 countries in the Danube region has received the Innovative networking award from OTH Regensburg (Technical University of Regensburg).

The award is a key signal for the Danube Cup team, indicating that the project is recognised, and that the partner institutions perceive the necessity for continued collaboration. 

This honour’s importance is only greater because of the region where it was awarded. Regensburg’s city and region are part of one of the most significant economic areas in Bavaria and Germany. With a GDP of 18.4 billion euros (2019), the area is one of Germany’s fastest expanding regions. OTH Regensburg was established in 1971 and is now considered to be one Bavaria’s most progressive institutions, providing complete training options to 11.000 enrolled students, in the fields of technology, health sciences and business administration. Throughout the last few years, many successful spin-offs have emerged with OTH Regensburg’s support: such are ReCase GmbH, Scarabot Technologies, arrivesafe.app, and NEW Engineering GmbH. This is for sure an inspiring factor for the start-ups competing every year. 

About Danube Cup 

Danube Cup is an international startup competition for university students along the Danube, launched jointly by Corvinus University of Budapest and Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Today 7 universities from 4 countries are members of the network. Danube Cup was created to help start-ups founded by university students succeed internationally.  

Contact information: 

Email: info@danubecup.eu 

Website: https://www.danubecup.net/ 

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