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Corvinus joins the urban initiative Budapest Global

2024-04-19 11:19:00

Corvinus University aims to share knowledge and international connections to help Budapest seize opportunities and overcome challenges. By joining yesterday, the university plans to contribute to shaping the future of Budapest and its young people, promoting sustainability and innovation.
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem

On 18 April, Corvinus University of Budapest signed an agreement to become a member of Budapest Global, an organization dedicated to the livable, modern development of the capital. Anthony Radev, President of Corvinus, and Dávid Baranyai, Director of Corporate and Institutional Relations at Corvinus, represented the University at the signing ceremony.  


“One of our missions is to build our embeddedness in the local society consciously and to share the latest international scientific knowledge we possess with the local community. By applying the new professional knowledge and research results generated at the university, we can stimulate innovation and economic growth, make urban development projects more efficient and sustainable, and optimize both urban infrastructure and services,” said Anthony Radev, President of Corvinus. He added: “The Department of Sustainability Management and Environmental Economics, the Department of Economic Geography and Urban Development, both parts of the Institute for Sustainable Development, and the Corporate and Institutional Relations Department in partnership with several leading companies and research institutions, are excellent knowledge hubs that can be the engines of this knowledge transfer.”   


The relationship between Corvinus University of Budapest and Budapest Global has the potential to unlock several shared values. Universities, including Corvinus, have traditionally been at the forefront of sustainability, innovation, and technological development, which fit perfectly with the values represented by Budapest Global. Both organizations are committed to active action on climate change and support urban sustainability. Both parties attach importance to sharing resources and expertise and to effective collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as between academia and the corporate sector.   

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